Conclusion tool

This is mostly a mock-up of how a conclusion tool might work.

Global work flow:

  1. User does one or more experiments with a lab, this results in one or more data sets.
  2. User makes a useful data visualisation of the data set in the data analyser tool.
    The data visualisation should be usable to validate the hypothesis.
  3. The data visualisations are used in the conclusion tool to validate the hypothesis.

Steps to be done in the conclusion tool by the user (student):

  1. User opens hypothesis
    The user should select here the hypothesis in the resource open dialog box. In this mock-up an image of a hypothesis is added immediately.
  2. User loads a data visualisation (created in data analyser tool).
    The user should select here the data visualisation in the resource open dialog box. In this mock-up an image of a graph is added immediately.
  3. User argues whether the data visualisation support or falsifies the hypothesis
  4. User decides if the data visualisation support or falsifies the hypothesis and sets the result accordingly.
  5. User can repeat steps 2-4 a number of times, each time for an other data visualisation.
  6. The score of all hypothesis validation results are shown in the Conclusion container
  7. The user argues whether all data visualisations support or falsifies the hypothesis
  8. User decides if all data visualisations support or falsifies the hypothesis and sets the result accordingly.